

  • 第一,在我们开发过程中,一个比较大的项目需要多个团队进行协作,而每个团队的成员在编程技术方面的技能可能不一定相同,为了实现这种跨语言的开发氛围,使用Thrift来构建服务
  • 第二,企业之间合作,在业务上不可避免出现跨语言的编程环境,使用Thrift可以达到类似Web Services的跨平台的特性



sudo yum install automake libtool flex bison pkgconfig gcc-c++ boost-devel libevent-devel zlib-devel python-devel ruby-devel openssl-devel


wget http://mirrors.cnnic.cn/apache/thrift/0.9.0/thrift-0.9.0.tar.gz
tar -xvzf thrift-0.9.0.tar.gz


sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install


sudo yum update


sudo make check


thrift --help
Usage: thrift [options] file
  -version    Print the compiler version
  -o dir      Set the output directory for gen-* packages
               (default: current directory)
  -out dir    Set the ouput location for generated files.
               (no gen-* folder will be created)
  -I dir      Add a directory to the list of directories
                searched for include directives
  -nowarn     Suppress all compiler warnings (BAD!)
  -strict     Strict compiler warnings on
  -v[erbose]  Verbose mode
  -r[ecurse]  Also generate included files
  -debug      Parse debug trace to stdout
  --allow-neg-keys  Allow negative field keys (Used to preserve protocol
                compatibility with older .thrift files)
  --allow-64bit-consts  Do not print warnings about using 64-bit constants
  --gen STR   Generate code with a dynamically-registered generator.
                STR has the form language[:key1=val1[,key2,[key3=val3]]].
                Keys and values are options passed to the generator.
                Many options will not require values.



struct UserProfile {
1: i32 uid,
2: string name,
3: string blurb
service UserStorage {
void store(1: UserProfile user),
UserProfile retrieve(1: i32 uid)


[hadoop@master thrift]$ ls
[hadoop@master thrift]$ thrift --gen java user.thrift
[hadoop@master thrift]$ thrift --gen cpp user.thrift
[hadoop@master thrift]$ thrift --gen php user.thrift
[hadoop@master thrift]$ thrift --gen perl user.thrift
[hadoop@master thrift]$ thrift --gen csharp user.thrift 
[hadoop@master thrift]$ thrift --gen py user.thrift
[hadoop@master thrift]$ ls
gen-cpp  gen-csharp  gen-java  gen-perl  gen-php  gen-py  user.thrift

可以看到,生成了对应的gen-的目录,每个目录 下面都是对应的代码,下面看下,生成的代码:

  • Java代码
  • 生成2个Java文件:

    [hadoop@master thrift]$ cd gen-java/
    [hadoop@master gen-java]$ ls
    UserProfile.java  UserStorage.java


  • C++代码
  • 生成多个C++文件:

    [hadoop@master thrift]$ cd gen-cpp/
    [hadoop@master gen-cpp]$ ls
    user_constants.cpp  UserStorage.cpp  UserStorage_server.skeleton.cpp  user_types.h
    user_constants.h    UserStorage.h    user_types.cpp


  • PHP代码
  • 生成2个文件:

    [hadoop@master thrift]$ cd gen-php/
    [hadoop@master gen-php]$ ls
    Types.php  UserStorage.php


  • Perl代码
  • 生成3个文件:

    [hadoop@master thrift]$ cd gen-perl/
    [hadoop@master gen-perl]$ ls
    Constants.pm  Types.pm  UserStorage.pm


  • C#代码
  • 生成2个文件:

    [hadoop@master thrift]$ cd gen-csharp/
    [hadoop@master gen-csharp]$ ls
    UserProfile.cs  UserStorage.cs


  • Python代码
  • 生成一个__init__.py文件,和一个目录user:

    [hadoop@master thrift]$ cd gen-py/
    [hadoop@master gen-py]$ ls -R
    __init__.py  user
    constants.py  __init__.py  ttypes.py  UserStorage.py  UserStorage-remote


Available generators (and options):
  as3 (AS3):
    bindable:          Add [bindable] metadata to all the struct classes.
  c_glib (C, using GLib):
  cocoa (Cocoa):
    log_unexpected:  Log every time an unexpected field ID or type is encountered.
  cpp (C++):
    cob_style:       Generate "Continuation OBject"-style classes.
                     Omit calls to completion__() in CobClient class.
    templates:       Generate templatized reader/writer methods.
    pure_enums:      Generate pure enums instead of wrapper classes.
    dense:           Generate type specifications for the dense protocol.
    include_prefix:  Use full include paths in generated files.
  csharp (C#):
    async:           Adds Async CTP support.
    wcf:             Adds bindings for WCF to generated classes.
    serial:          Add serialization support to generated classes.
  d (D):
  delphi (delphi):
    ansistr_binary:  Use AnsiString as binary properties.
  erl (Erlang):
  go (Go):
  hs (Haskell):
  html (HTML):
  java (Java):
    beans:           Members will be private, and setter methods will return void.
    private-members: Members will be private, but setter methods will return 'this' like usual.
    nocamel:         Do not use CamelCase field accessors with beans.
    hashcode:        Generate quality hashCode methods.
    android_legacy:  Do not use java.io.IOException(throwable) (available for Android 2.3 and above).
    java5:           Generate Java 1.5 compliant code (includes android_legacy flag).
  javame (Java ME):
  js (Javascript):
    jquery:          Generate jQuery compatible code.
    node:            Generate node.js compatible code.
  ocaml (OCaml):
  perl (Perl):
  php (PHP):
    inlined:         Generate PHP inlined files
    server:          Generate PHP server stubs
    oop:             Generate PHP with object oriented subclasses
    rest:            Generate PHP REST processors
  py (Python):
    new_style:       Generate new-style classes.
    twisted:         Generate Twisted-friendly RPC services.
    utf8strings:     Encode/decode strings using utf8 in the generated code.
    slots:           Generate code using slots for instance members.
    dynamic:         Generate dynamic code, less code generated but slower.
    dynbase=CLS      Derive generated classes from class CLS instead of TBase.
    dynexc=CLS       Derive generated exceptions from CLS instead of TExceptionBase.
    dynimport='from foo.bar import CLS'
                     Add an import line to generated code to find the dynbase class.
  rb (Ruby):
    rubygems:        Add a "require 'rubygems'" line to the top of each generated file.
  st (Smalltalk):
  xsd (XSD):


Creative Commons License

本文基于署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0许可协议发布,欢迎转载、使用、重新发布,但务必保留文章署名时延军(包含链接:http://shiyanjun.cn),不得用于商业目的,基于本文修改后的作品务必以相同的许可发布。如有任何疑问,请与我联系

评论(4): “CentOS安装和使用Thrift

  1. 请问博主有没有试过在thrift中新增加文件(.h,.cpp)后怎么编译,在windows下面vs直接添加编译即可,但是在Linux下用automake一直无法增加进去。

    • 手工修改Makefile.in后编译过了,按道理Makefile.in应该是通过automake生成的,但是不知道怎么生成。

    • 你为什么要在编译的时候(生成对应DSL代码)加入自己特定语言的代码文件呢,Thrift不就是为了跨语言才能够将语言无法的IDL编译成需要使用的几种编程语言代码,这样能够互相通信吗?


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